About us

Lusomorango is the largest national producer organization (PO) in the fruit and vegetable sector, in terms of turnover, and is dedicated to the production and marketing of raspberry, blackberry, blueberry and strawberry.

Created in 2005, Lusomorango today has several dozen producers, who daily work to bring to consumers the finest and best quality fruits made in Portugal.

Our raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries grow in the Southwest Alentejo, Algarve and Ribatejo, where the soil and climate conditions, strongly marked by Atlantic influence, are highly favorable to the production of high-quality fruit and intense taste. In the many hundreds of hectares we explore, we combine nature with the most sustainable farming practices.

Due to its characteristics, the small fruits of Lusomorango are sought throughout Europe, delighting even the most demanding consumers. Today, more than 95% of our production goes to international markets, including to countries of Central and Northern Europe.

The joint efforts of our producers make Lusomorango the largest fruit and vegetable producers’ organizations in Portugal in terms of turnover. We have therefore an important pivot role in national agricultural exportation. The small fruit sector currently accounts for more than 230 million euros in sales abroad, and the raspberry is the ‘champion’ fruit of Portuguese exportations, representing more than 80% of the sales of the sector to foreign markets.

Thanks to its organizational capacity, Lusomorango is a real added value for its more than forty shareholders, allowing important benefits of scale, in terms of sustainability, innovation and market approach.



exported production


Lusomorango has developed partnerships with several entities to bring more knowledge to its associates, to develop its activity profitably according to best practices and to promote the culture of small fruits and their consumption.