
Conference Cycle Portuguese Catholic University – Lusomorango

Apr 9, 2021

Conference Cycle Portuguese Catholic University – Lusomorango
Strategic vision for agri-food – “Know to decide, Plan to act”


  • Water management, adaptation to climate change, consumption trends for the Horizon 20-30, sustainability indicators and habitat and landscape conservation are some of the topics under discussion

Odemira, April 9, 2021 – The Center for Applied Studies of Portuguese Catholic University and Lusomorango, the largest Portuguese producer’s organization in the fruit and vegetable sector, in turnover, will promote, on April 14 at 4pm, the fourth and last session of the Conference Cycle dedicated to the “Strategic vision for agri-food – Know to decide, Plan to act”.

“The European Green Act, From Farm to Fork” is the theme of the fourth and last conference that will debate the goals of the European Green Act and the From Farm to Fork Strategy, particularly regarding food, health, the planet, and the future for a healthier and more sustainable European food system. It will also be an analysis of how to ensure that Europeans have healthy, affordable, and sustainable food, fighting climate change, protecting the environment, and preserving biodiversity, fair economic income in the food chain and expanding organic farming. 

Water management in the context of climate change, consumption trends for Horizon 20-30, alignment between producers and consumers, conventional and organic agriculture, and its role in achieving the goals set out in the European Green Act will also be under discussion.  

The purpose of this session is also to reflect on how to measure sustainability and the need for clear and transparent indicators in measuring the ecological footprint, how to contribute to climate change adaptation and to mitigating its effects, as well as to sustainable energy, how to promote sustainable development and efficient natural resources (water, soil, and air) management and how to protect biodiversity, improve ecosystem-related services and preserve habitats and landscapes.

The session will include the presentation of the Case Study of EDIA – Empresa de Desenvolvimento e Infraestruturas do Alqueva (Alqueva Development and Infrastructure Company), represented by José Pedro Salema, Chairman of the Board of Directors. 

The program also includes a roundtable that will bring together Hector Lujan, CEO of Reiter Affiliated Companies, António Serrano, CEO of Jerónimo Martins Agro-Alimentar, Ana Trigo de Morais, Managing Director of Sociedade Ponto Verde and Luis Mira, Secretary-General of CAP (Confederation of Portuguese Farmers). The analysis and comment of this last session of the Conference Cycle will be carried out by Eduardo Diniz, General Manager of the GPP – Gabinete de Planeamento, Políticas e Administração Geral (Planning, Policy and General Administration Office). 

Get to know the program of the Conference here.

The conference will take place in a digital context and to participate all you have to do is access Jornal Economico’s website at

Strategic vision for agri-food – Know to decide, Plan to act

The Conference Cycle “Strategic vision for agri-food – Know to decide, Plan to act” will focus on themes associated with the excellence of Portuguese Agriculture in the context of the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union and will bring together national and international experts in a plural and open debate on innovation and digital transition and agriculture sustainability in its social and economic environmental aspects. 

The context created by the European Green Act and the From Farm to Fork Strategy provides the opportunity for these debates aiming to build paths and solutions that make the Portuguese Presidency an important milestone in the Common Agricultural Policy.

These conferences intend to be a space for reflection, debate and presentation of good practices which highlight the role that Portugal can play in the European context, and also serve as support to guide decision-making and action processes by public authorities and private initiative, toward a greener, more resilient and more prepared Europe.

How to leverage the agri-food economy by matching all the values and constraints involved and how to use innovation and technology for more production, with less impact and resource use, in a stable and predictable manner, allowing investments and attracting foreign capital are some of the questions for which this initiative aims to find answers. 

The relevance of this issues and the intention to build a Portuguese Presidency legacy on the vision of agri-food for the future also led Universidade Católica Portuguesa and Lusomorango to press ahead for the continuation of these initiatives in the countries that will then assume successive presidencies of the European Union, in particular, Slovenia and France.

The Conference Cycle “Strategic Vision for agri-food – Know to decide, Plan to Act” is an initiative of Universidade Católica Portuguesa and Lusomorango, with institutional partners such as CAP, Portugalfoods, Portugal fresh, COTHN and AHSA, with the support of Millenium BCP and Jornal Económico as media partner.